Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pre-Arranged, Personalized Birthday Cards

This is a special guest entry written by one of my good friends and favorite writers, Rachael Lynch...

How many birthday cards do you receive per year? I’m talking real, live, hand-written birthday cards? If you’re anything like me, that number is nowhere near the number of cards you would like to receive. According to Yahoo! Answers, the best way to ensure that you will receive more birthday cards is to send more cards. Brilliant, right? Personally, I would love to send more birthday cards to my friends and family members. At night, I lie in bed dreaming of markers and stickers, making elaborate plans for cards. I add people to (and sometimes delete from) my mental birthday card list. And then I wake up the next morning and am unable to access my mental birthday card list. It must only exist in that blurry state between awake and asleep.

Okay, so, maybe you aren’t like me. Maybe you have signed up for one of those internet services that send you a reminder days before a loved one’s birthday – gives you plenty of time to give them a quick call, or short text, or the obligatory Facebook wall post. Because we all know how wonderful it feels to get a facebook wall post on our birthday, I can hardly describe the overwhelming feeling I get when I log in on that magical day and see 142,003 identical wall posts. (I will admit that birthday wall posts do serve ONE purpose – allowing me to compare my relative popularity to that of my friends based on the number of people who posted.) Frankly, a facebook wall post is just not good enough for anyone who is more than a Birthday/Christmas friend.

That being said. I am busy. You are probably busy too. Work, school, TV shows, spending time with friends and family, playing Farmville – these things are all really important. We all want to be better friends, send more cards, call each other more. We just don’t. We are unable (or perhaps unwilling) to make the time for it.

There has got to be some way to bridge the gap between wanting to send more personalized birthday cards and having the time, energy, and foresight to actually do it. I quickly Google-ized “birthday card sending services” and found a variety of services that purport to take care of this problem. Sure these services are fine if you want to send everyone the same dumb card, or you want to choose from 3 or 4 different designs that are all perfect for your grandmother, or if you want to type a generic message online and have it typed in the card (some sites even let you choose color and font!). It seems to be that these services aren’t much better than FB wall postings. They lack humanity. They lack hours spent in the card aisle finding just the right card for that special someone. They lack scented markers.

What should exist is a birthday card sending service that gets it right. One with an enormous selection of cards – every card in existence would be great and maybe even an option to upload a pic and create your own card. These cards would be wonderfully organized by keyword, so it would be easy to find a birthday card about wine for your wino best friend, or one about fishing for your dad. Finally, the service would have many different options that will work for anyone. I envision being able to pick out cards for the entire years worth of birthdays, have them shipped to me in about 3 installments during the year, I would then fill out the cards as I wished and mail them back to the company. The end. Well for me anyway. The service would then make sure the cards were sent with perfect timing to arrive before (but not too much before) that magical day. Sounds great, right?

Does this already exist? Would anyone actually use a service like this?

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