Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Intro and Purpose.

Hello and welcome to my simple blog. In case you can't tell from the title alone, this is a place where I will simply create entries of ideas I have for things that do not exist, but that I think should exist. Admittedly, this blog will be somewhat self-serving since I only intend to write about things that I want, that would make my life easier. That being said, if you have any ideas for things that would help make life easier, feel free to share those ideas with me and I can expand on them.

I hope that by listing my ideas I can achieve three things:
1) Improve my writing skills.
2) Find out if any of the described items do, in fact, exist.
3) Inspire some creative person to develop(or invent, produce, etc.) one of my ideas, thereby improving my life.

Readers can help with number 2 above by commenting on my posts if something does exist. I would also appreciate comments telling me who agrees that my idea might be helpful. I guess I can accept people disagreeing with me too. Who knows, maybe it will even lead to an exciting discussion.

If you decide you want to steal one of my ideas, that's great! Please just let me know, so I can anticipate.

Now stay tuned for my first real post.

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