Thursday, January 28, 2010

Something That Does Exist: Personal Biographers

As a little bit of a break from the usual purpose of this blog, I’m actually writing about something that already exists today. A big part of why I started this blog was to share the ideas I come up with, and I make sure that when I’m about to add an entry I at least do a quick Google search for the idea I am going to write about. For the first time, my search yielded something pretty similar to what I was going to write about.

A few months ago I was reading a biography about two brothers who started the first successful radio empire in the US. While reading the biography, I couldn’t help but wonder how it was that these two men had a biography written about them when so many other people have great stories that never get told. Of course, the subjects of this biography did something great that an author decided was worthy of a biography. But certainly there a lot of people who live interesting lives, lives that might not attract the attention of a biographer but would still be interesting to someone. That’s when I came up with the idea for personal, private biography writers. These biographies could be made to honor an older relative, maybe to mark a significant birthday or anniversary. Possibly the biographies could be made by the elderly themselves to preserve their own legacy.

This seemed like such a lucrative and practical idea; I couldn’t understand why no one else had tried it before. The Google search I did before writing this entry solved that for me. It turns out that such services already do exist and I simply hadn’t heard of them. I hope that since this service already exists, that I at least brought it to more people’s attention.

If this is something you might like to learn more about, here are some links:

Here is some advice for getting started.

Some websites of companies that offer this service: Timepieces, Dear Memory

Is this something you had heard of? Does it sound like a good idea? Should I continue writing about the ideas I find that do exist?

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