Monday, January 18, 2010

Tanning Planning

As we all know, the sun has at least two very significant effects on the human body. Actually, it probably has more than two, but for this particular Thing That Should Exist there are only two important ones. First, the sun can cause severe skin damage, including cancer. Second, the sun can cause skin to take on a more attractive hue when it lightly toasts the skin. While I know there is an increasing number of people who avoid the sun and prefer the pale shade that comes with an indoor lifestyle, there is still a sizable portion of the population who would choose to go out in the sun or to a tanning bed to achieve the perfect shade of skin.

Because people do still value that certain epidermal hue, there should be a way to achieve it safely and without the chance of becoming burnt (or worse: staying in the sun all day and never becoming tan, the result of too much SPF). Of course sunscreens and tanning oils have existed for many years, so you may be thinking this is not a very novel concept. However, people have been misusing sunscreen for as long as sunscreen has existed, either by applying the wrong amount or the wrong SPF. In addition, there has never been an exact science telling people how much to use and how long to stay in the sun.

This is where Tanning Planning will come in. It’s going to require science to determine how long someone should stay in the sun and for how many days and what SPF to apply on those days in order to achieve the perfect shade. Everyone has different skin that can handle different amounts of sun, which is where some studies will need to be done in order to figure out what different consumers need. I’m sure after enough testing, scientists can break it down to only a few categories that can be easily determined in a retail store at the time of purchase.

In my imagination, Tanning Planning will come in the form of a brand new line of sunscreens, a complete package telling the consumer when to use each product. Though that is how I imagine it, I’m sure it could take on several different forms, including some sort of insert that comes along with pre-existing sunscreens. Either way, I think this product would work because it rhymes.

If this product already exists, let me know in the comments. Believe it or not, I would love to hear your thoughts on it.


  1. I want to clarify that I did not write this post under the influence of a sun burn. However, I will confess that I got a mild sun burn about two hours after posting.

  2. I agree! As a fair skinned redhead, I always manage to either underestimate the SPF I should use and end up lobster red, or overcompensate and walk away the same shade I showed up in. It would be fantastic to have a better way to get some sun without feeling the burn.

  3. Thanks Emily. I've struggled with the same issue all my life.
